El Dorado Disc Sports, in partnership with Cameron Park Community Services District, is pleased to announce the approval of a new 18-hole disc golf course at Cameron Park Lake in Cameron Park CA. The approval was unanimous by the Board of Directors after staff reccommendation that the planned disc golf course be approved at a regular meeting on September 18, 2019.
In August 2018, the Parks and Recreation Committee received a proposal from El Dorado Disc Sports to construct a Disc Golf course at the Bonanza Park Area at Cameron Park Lake. El Dorado Disc Sports committed to fully fund course construction and maintenance requirements with support from volunteers and the community. The Parks Committee expressed support of the project, and asked their staff and El Dorado Disc Sport's volunteers to reach out to the community for input.
In July 2019, Parks staff and the El Dorado Disc Sports returned to the Committee to report the results of their community outreach efforts. After hearing about the community’s support of the project, the Committee supported moving this item to the Board of Directors for consideration. Cameron Park staff provided the opportunity to the Board of Directors to partner with El Dorado Disc Sports on the construction of a new amenity for Cameron Park residents. In addition to the public Park and Recreation Committee meetings, Parks staff and El Dorado Disc Sport's volunteers conducted community outreach in several ways:
• Workshop held at the Community Center; promotions included advertising in social media, District E-Newsletter and distribution of flyers. The meeting was well attended, especially by a few Air Park residents.
• On-site Disc Golf exhibition and invitation to participate in learning how to play.
• Information Booth at the Summer Spectacular.
Park Staff requested El Dorado County Planning to review and approve the Disc Golf Course at Cameron Park Lake - Bonanza Park Area. Current zoning for the Bonanza Park Area is consistent with this proposed use. No additional building, grading, or environmental permits are required. A Memorandum of Understanding between El Dorado Disc Sports and the Community Services District outlines roles and responsibilities for course construction and maintenance. Many of the District responsibilities have been met due to the District’s participation in community outreach and planning efforts.
Once constructed, the course will be open for public play during normal park hours. Access is from Cameron Park Lake, and the summertime entry fees will apply to disc golfers. El Dorado Disc Sports will partner with the District for events and activities. Special thanks to the community members who kept this vision alive with the idea of a premiere disc golf course in Cameron Park, CA and the County of El Dorado.
Please visit GOFUNDME LINK for any opportunity to support the installation of Bonanza Park Disc Golf Course at Cameron Park Lake in Cameron Park, CA. Courses succeed because of the dedication of disc golfers to grow the sport! If you wish to be a "hole" sponsor please visit Sponsorship Packet link or email sharonkeoppel@eddiscsports for additional information.
Volunteers for course installation please contact the El Dorado Disc Sports Foundation.

Installation of this incredible 18-hole disc golf course will begin immediately with clearing fairways and prepping tee pads and basket placement with PDGA approved baskets, artificial turf tee pads for year-round play.
We're raising money solely to benefit course installation and maintenance, and any donation amount will help make an impact and help reach the goal.
Sponsor a Hole- $1000.00- individuals, businesses, and groups can sponsor a hole where your name will be prominently displayed on the hole, our website, all social media, and events. Hole sponsors will receive premiere "first round" access before course is officially open.
* $1000 sponsor receives 8x10 business logo signage on the tee pole
* El Dorado Disc sports will assign tee sign number from 1-18. If you have a hole number preference, please indicate on the payment form. Preferences will be available on a first-come-first-serve basis
* Artwork dimensions: Full Page: 7.75” horizontal x 9.75” vertical
* Logos and appreciation language in all printed materials related to event and fundraising for Bonanza Disc Golf Course at Cameron Park Lake
* Special recognition in media covered events, written, and televised
* Recognition on the club board, when installed
* Facebook posting about your sponsorship to 1000+ members of your local community and surrounding areas
* Priority sponsorship option for future disc golf courses with El Dorado Disc Sports Foundation, including events and tournaments
$600 Shared Hole Sponsor Donation:
* $600 sponsor receives 4x10 business logo signage on the tee pole.
* Artwork dimensions: Horizontal Half Page: 4.75” vertical x 9.25” horizontal
* Logos and appreciation language in all printed materials related to event and fundraising for Bonanza Disc Golf Course at Cameron Park Lake
* Special recognition in media covered events, written and televised
* Facebook posting about your sponsorship to 1000+ members of your local community and surrounding areas
* Priority sponsorship option for future disc golf courses with El Dorado Disc Sports Foundation, including events and tournaments
$250 Donation: The first 50 donors at the individual donation level of $250 will receive a thank you gift of a Sun Stream portable solar charging panel. https://solarfans.net/SunStream-PRO-COMBO-PACK .
Never miss that epic ace because of a dead cell phone battery again!
$100 Donation: The first 100 donors at the individual donation level of $100 will receive a thank you gift of a custom stamp Founder's Disc.
GENERAL SPONSORs- If the above options do not work for you or your organization, please contact us for more sponsorship levels.
Please visit GOFUNDME LINK for any opportunity to support the installation of Bonanza Park Disc Golf Course at Cameron Park Lake in Cameron Park, CA. Courses succeed because of the dedication of disc golfers to grow the sport! If you wish to be a "hole" sponsor please visit Sponsorship Packet link or email sharonkeoppel@eddiscsports for additional information.
Volunteers for course installation please contact the El Dorado Disc Sports Foundation.